3 Tips For A Great Morning

3 Tips For A Great Morning

3 Tips For A Great Morning 

You wake up, you immediately check your phone and scroll for 15 minutes, fall back asleep, and suddenly wake up again remembering it’s a Tuesday and you’re late for work. This is not your ideal morning, but this happens to you all the time! We want you to have a great morning, so read on for the three tips we know will make a difference. 

  1. Wake up early enough to give yourself adequate time to stretch your body and start out your day by feeling good. Waking up rushed will set the tone for a rushed day, so start out slow and comfortable and continue that vibe instead. Meditation is also a great option for getting your mind clear and calm for the rest of your day and if you want to combine the two, try yoga! Moving your body mindfully is a habit shared by many successful women and we advise incorporating it into your morning routine too. 
  2. Brushing your teeth and washing your face in the morning isn’t habitual for all of us if we’re in a rush or have kids banging on our door. Fortunately, TAO Clean makes these tasks easy with a timer on both our Umma and Ona Diamond products, so you can brush your teeth and wash your face for the proper amount of time without having to think about it. Keeping up with this tip is vital in the morning to prevent plaque buildup as well as breakouts that may form if left untouched for the day. 
  3. Drinking lots of water has many skin and health benefits, so we had to mention especially for all of you coffee drinkers! Water clears out bacteria and helps you produce more saliva which prevents gum disease and dry mouth. You also need lots of water to maintain moisturized skin, so balance out all of your coffee drinking that dehydrates you with equal amounts of water to stay dewy all day. 

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