Can an electric toothbrush make your teeth sensitive?

Can an electric toothbrush make your teeth sensitive?

If you are one of those people with sensitive teeth, you’re probably looking for the most gentle way to clean your teeth. While this may seem like an impossible feat, there are products to help us. This is where sonic toothbrushes come in traditionally, but can they be harmful? Moreover, is it even possible that they might make your teeth more sensitive than when you started using it?

Use an electric toothbrush with multiple cleaning modes.

Most powered toothbrushes come with more than one brushing mode to give users options if they have gum sensitivity or tooth pain.TAO Clean’s Umma Diamond Sonic Toothbrush with GermShield technology has a  sensitive mode designed for those with sensitive gums and uses the right amount of pressure to care for your teeth adequately. This is the ideal choice over manual toothbrushing that requires more force to remove plaque and can damage your tooth enamel.

Use the right toothbrush head and brush for the correct amount of time.

Using a toothbrush with firm bristles, manual or electric, can make it seem like the toothbrush is at fault when you should be using a softer brush head. The right brush head for your teeth will improve the effectiveness of your oral care routine and prevent gum disease without needing to scrub the plaque away.

And don’t forget to use a toothbrush with a two-minute timer, so you know you're brushing your teeth for the recommended amount of time. If you brush for longer with an electric toothbrush, then it may feel like the toothbrush is causing problems when you're just brushing too much. Luckily, brushing for longer does not equate to better oral health, so stick to brushing for 2 minutes after you eat.

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